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Way2Wealth Insurance Brokers offers individual clients a variety of solutions which provide long term financial security, asset protection and well being options for you and your family.

Medical insurance

  1. Health insurance: Covers the cost of an insured individual's/ family members' medical and surgical expenses. It typically covers hospitalization linked room rent, surgical expenses and related expenses. The insured either pays these expenses initially and is then reimbursed by the insurance company, or the insurance company directly makes the payment to the medical provider via a method called "Cashless"
  2. Critical Illness insurance: Covers payment of a lump sum amount if the policyholder is diagnosed with one of the specific predetermined set of illnesses like stroke, cancer, heart attack etc.
  3. Personal Accident Insurance: Provides compensation in the event of injury, disability or death caused by accidents
  4. Travel Insurance: Covers the cost of medical expenses, trip cancellation, lost luggage, flight accident and other losses incurred while traveling, either abroad or within India. Students, leisure & business travelers can avail this policy

Asset Protection

  1. Motor insurance: Provides financial protection against vehicle theft, damage and / or bodily injury resulting from accidents. It also covers damages or injuries to third parties
  2. Home Insurance: Provides financial cover for an individual's home property and/or home contents in the event of natural perils, fire, theft etc.

Long term Financial Security

  1. Term Life Insurance: An inexpensive and pure insurance cover that provides a lump sum amount to the insured's dependants in event of insured's death and/or permanent disability
  2. Endowment plan: A life insurance policy that provides a lump sum amount in event of insured's death or upon plan maturity date
  3. Unit Linked Insurance Plan(ULIP): Provides insured person with the dual benefit of insurance and investment under a single plan
